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Photography and Arts & Crafts Contests
This contest is open to both Grange members and non-Grange members.
Categories (Adults Ages 14+)
Paintings & Drawings
Fiber Craft/Needle Art
Holiday Crafts
Wood Crafts
Recycled Crafts
Constructive (glass, metal, etc) Crafts
Paper Crafts
General (beading, jewelry, toys, clothes, etc)
Categories (Children Ages 5-9 & 10-13) -
Paintings & Drawings
Wood Crafts
Fabric/Fiber Craft
Wearable Art
Crafts from a Kit
Bring your entries to the McMillian Grange on Friday May 3rd between 8-10am. Entry Forms can be filled out at drop off and if you are not a Grange member, the Fruitland Grange will sponsor you.
Entries can be picked up on Saturday at 12:30pm after the regular meeting. Questions? Email:
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